Leaders Struggle to Unite House Republicans Behind Health Bill
WASHINGTON — The House bill to
repeal the Affordable Care Act faced an uncertain fate on Wednesday as
conservative Republicans pushed to eliminate federal requirements that health
insurance plans provide certain benefits to consumers.
House Republican leaders met with
members of their party late into the night as they struggled to muster support
for the bill, scheduled for a vote on the House floor on Thursday.
President Trump, Vice President
Mike Pence and the House speaker, Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, sought to placate
conservative House Republicans who said that the bill did not do enough to
lower health insurance costs by reducing federal regulations. The legislation
would roll back major provisions of the Affordable Care Act, a major pillar of
President Barack Obama’s legacy.
But in trying to satisfy
conservatives, the Trump administration and House Republican leaders risked
jeopardizing support for the bill among more moderate Republicans. On the eve
of the crucial vote, party leaders appeared to be short of a majority and were
working into the night to whip their members into line.
Representative Mark Meadows,
Republican of North Carolina and the chairman of the conservative House Freedom
Caucus, expressed optimism on Wednesday night that talks with Republican
leaders would lead to revisions to the bill.
“We’re encouraged tonight, just
based on the real willingness of not only the White House, but our leadership,
to make this bill better,” Mr. Meadows said, crediting the personal involvement
of Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence.
But Representative Charlie Dent,
Republican of Pennsylvania and a leader of a moderate bloc of lawmakers known
as the Tuesday Group, said late Wednesday night that he would oppose the bill.
“I believe this bill, in its
current form, will lead to the loss of coverage and make insurance unaffordable
for too many Americans, particularly for low-to-moderate income and older
individuals,” Mr. Dent said.
And the powerful conservative
network funded by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch issued a
direct challenge to the president and said that it would provide financial
support to members who voted against the plan.
Representative Pete Sessions,
chairman of the Rules Committee, presided over a daylong session to set the
rules for debate on the House floor. CreditStephen Crowley/The New York
“We will stand with lawmakers who
keep their promise and oppose this legislation,” said James Davis, executive
vice president of Freedom Partners, the umbrella organization responsible for
the Koch brothers’ political efforts.
About two dozen conservative
Republicans, including Freedom Caucus members, met Wednesday at the White House
with top administration officials, including Mr. Pence and Kellyanne Conway, a
senior adviser to Mr. Trump.
“I don’t think they changed any
minds,” Representative Randy Weber, Republican of Texas, said after the
The tenacity and persistence of
the conservatives appeared to give them outsize influence as Mr. Ryan struggled
to round up votes for the repeal bill, which faces solid opposition from House
Democrats. Supporters of their bill have put their faith in Mr. Trump, whose
young presidency could be badly damaged by a public and consequential loss.
“When the president calls someone
and says, ‘I need your vote on this,’ it’s very hard to say no to the president
of the United States when this torpedoes our entire conference, Trump’s entire
presidency, and we end up losing the Senate next year and we lose members in
the House,” said Representative Chris Collins, Republican of New York and a top
Trump supporter in the House.
But conservative opposition was
over substance, not politics. Conservatives are upset over the failure of the
House bill to repeal a set of regulations in Mr. Obama’s signature health law,
which require insurers to cover a base set of benefits, like maternity care,
preventive services, wellness checkups and rehabilitative services. These
“essential health benefits” raise the cost of insurance and prevent companies
from offering stripped-down options, the conservatives say.
“How can you talk about repealing
the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, without repealing the essential health
benefits?” asked Representative Scott Perry, a Pennsylvania Republican who
attended the meeting with Mr. Pence.
Republican leaders say that if
the House makes such changes to the bill, it could imperil their ability to
push the legislation through the Senate using expedited procedures that
neutralize the threat of a filibuster.
Representative Mike Simpson,
Republican of Idaho, likened the swirling cloud of uncertainty to the situation
in November 2003, when the House approved a bill adding prescription drug
benefits to Medicare after a roll-call vote that lasted nearly three
hours in the middle of the night. The bill passed, 220 to 215, after House
Republican leaders put down a conservative rebellion.
“It’s tough to pass controversial things,
especially when Republicans have different ideas,” Mr. Simpson said.
Eventually, he predicted, House leaders will get the votes they need, though
they may need to tweak the repeal bill.
Representative Scott DesJarlais,
Republican of Tennessee, said the administration tried to sell the House bill,
known as the American Health Care Act, by arguing that it could be improved
later in the Senate. But House members rarely relish handing their political
fate to the other chamber.
“I am more skeptical,” Mr.
DesJarlais said. “I like to see what I’m going to get when I vote for it, not
promises that I get later.”
Asked if supporters of the bill
had the votes to pass it in the House, Mr. DesJarlais said, “I don’t think they
A spokeswoman for the Freedom
Caucus, Alyssa Farah, said that more than 25 members of the caucus were
“no” votes on the health care measure — enough to sink the bill in the
House, though that count could not be independently verified.
Representative Andy Harris,
Republican of Maryland, said that despite recent changes to the health care
bill, he was unable to vote for it.
“This legislation simply won’t
lower premiums as much as the American people need, and lowering the cost of
coverage is my primary goal,” said Mr. Harris, an anesthesiologist and member
of the Freedom Caucus.
House leaders were also
contending with opposition from more moderate Republicans worried about the
toll that the health bill could take in their districts. Representative Dan
Donovan of New York, who attended a meeting at the White House with Mr. Trump
on Tuesday, said Wednesday that he would vote against the bill.
“Recognizing that the status quo
is failing isn’t, on its own, a compelling reason to vote ‘yes’ on the current
replacement plan,” said Mr. Donovan, the only Republican House member from New
York City.
Sean Spicer, the White House
press secretary, said he was sure the House would pass the repeal bill. “Slowly
but surely we’re getting there,” he said. “There is no Plan B. There’s Plan A
and Plan A. We’re going to get this done.”
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