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‘I am sorry to the people’: Former South Korea President Park Geun-hye ‘apologises’ before questioning

South Korea’s just-ousted president said she was “sorry” to the people as she arrived Tuesday at a prosecutors’ office for questioning over a corruption scandal that led to her removal from office. Earlier this month, the Constitutional Court ruled unanimously to dismiss her as president, about three months after parliament impeached her over allegations she colluded with a confidante to extort money from businesses and committed other wrongdoings
It was a dramatic fall for Park, a daughter of slain dictator Park Chung-hee, who was elected as the country’s first female president in late 2012 amid a wave of support from conservatives who remembered her father as a hero who pulled the country up from poverty despite his suppression of civil rights. “I am sorry to the people. I will sincerely undergo an investigation,” Park said when arrived at a Seoul prosecutors’ office
She did not elaborate and went inside the building amid a barrage of camera flashes. It was not clear if her remarks meant she acknowledged the corruption allegations, as she has repeatedly denied any legal wrongdoing. South Korean politicians embroiled in scandals often offer public apologies for causing trouble though they deny their involvement. The questioning of Park was expected to last until late in the evening, and South Korean media reported prosecutors won’t likely summon her again after Tuesday’s questioning.
Dozens of high-profile figures including some top Park government officials and Samsung heir Lee Jae-yong have already been arrested or indicted in connection with the scandal. Park could face extortion, bribery and other criminal charges, but it is not known if prosecutors will seek to arrest her anytime soon, especially ahead of an election in May to choose her successor.
Some experts say there would be a strong backlash from conservatives if Park were to appear on TV dressed in prison garb and handcuffed. Currently, Moon Jae-in, a liberal opposition leader who lost the 2012 election to Park, now has a commanding lead in opinion surveys. The scandal has roiled and divided South Korea for months, with millions of people taking to the streets and calling for park’s ouster in the largest public demonstrations in decades. In recent weeks, pro-Park supporters, mostly elderly conservatives, have staged their own rallies. Three people died in clashes between Park’s supporters and the police after the court ruled against her.
Earlier Tuesday, hundreds of Park supporters waited for hours near her Seoul home, holding national flags and chanting her name as thick lines of police officers separated them from a group of reporters. Stepping out of her home’s black metal gate, Park did not address to her supporters before getting into a black sedan, which followed a motorcade of police motorcycles to the prosecution office. Park had immunity while in office and had refused to meet with prosecutors or allow officials to search her presidential compound. She has since expressed defiance toward the allegations, saying “I believe the truth will certainly come out.”
The March 10 ruling has made Park South Korea’s first democratically elected leader to be forced out of office since democracy replaced dictatorship in the late 1980s.

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