Donald Trump hints at new, narrower travel ban and cheaper border wall

Asserting that ''we will allow lots of people into our country that will love our people and do good for our country,'' US President Donald Trump has indicated that he will draft a new executive order restricting travel into the United States after his first decree was defeated in court.
Trump said his administration still go in appeal to the Supreme Court against the Appeals Court ruling that spiked his first order in what was seen as a humiliating setback, but since the process takes time, he will consider ''a lot of other options, including just filing a brand new order.''
The new order could come as early as next week, he indicated, warning Americans of a massive influx from red-flagged Muslim-majority countries.  ''We'll be going forward and continuing to do things to make our country safe. It will happen rapidly,'' Trump told reporters during a joint press conference with visiting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. ''We will not allow people into our country who are looking to do harm.''
Trump embraced support from Abe -- literally and figuratively -- after a legal setback to his travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries and a diplomatic climb down with Beijing in which he was forced to recognize the ''One-China Policy'' (which he had disdained).  The two leaders flew down to Florida to bond over golf after talks in the White House, the outcome of which will test Trump's assertive outlook on trade.
The US President has warned even American companies of ''consequences'' if they continued to abandon the United States to shift operations abroad, while promising major tax reforms that would result in ''massive tax cuts.''
''We want to make it much easier to do business in America... We're going to make it also much harder for companies to leave. They're not just going to say bye-bye and fire everybody. There will be consequences,'' Trump said in a radio address over the weekend as he engaged Abe.
A stock market boom that has carried the Dow to record territory and episodic investment and job creation announcements have been among the few scripted successes for the three-week old Trump administration, amid a series of White House missteps and foreign policy flubs, neither of which the Trump constituency particularly cares about.
Trump has repeatedly boasted about his business and financial acumen in attracting investment and creating jobs in the U.S., showcasing business leaders such as the CEO of Intel announcing a $ 7 billion plant in Arizona at a White House event, to raise hopes of an economic manna among his voting constituency.
(Several critics have claimed that US Corporations are simply appeasing Trump by recycling investment decisions and announcements that they have already made, but the President's energy on the business and immigration front has pleased his supporters.)

On Friday, amid reports of stepped-up, nationwide, immigration raids, Trump knocked down a government estimate of $ 21.6 billion for the Mexico border wall he proposed and had said would cost $ 8 billion, asserting that it would come down once he got involved.

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